3. Programme

This is an overview of the conference programme. You can find the complete programme in the folder at the bottom of this page.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Keynote speakers
Emmanuelle Picard (Institut National de Recherche Pédagogique, Parijs)
Sylvia Paletschek (Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg)

Session 1: Academic culture of remembrance
Pieter Dhondt, Wolfgang Eric Wagner, Marc Depaepe

Session 2A: Writing university history and jubilees
Kenneth Baxter, Marek Durčanský, Irina Gorsheneva
Session 2B: The study of engineering and biology at nineteenth-century Belgian universities 
Willemijne Linssen, Krista De Jonge, Pieter Raymaekers, Kristel Wautier

Session 3A: Writing the history of the female participation at the university
Natalia Tikhonov Sigrist, Pascale Falek
Session 3B: Internationalisation and rationalisation as challenges in Belgian higher education
Pierre Van den Dungen, Ton Van Weel

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Keynote speakers
Laurence Brockliss (Oxford University)
Thomas Bremer (Martin-Luther-Universität Halle)

Session 4: The commemoration of jubilees
Herman Paul, Trude Maurer, Ana-Maria Stan

Session 5: University collections and museums as windows to science and society
Ana Mehnert Pascoal, Catarina Teixeira and Marta C. Lourenço, Rolf ter Sluis

Poster presentations
Lea Leppik, Henriette Reerink, Kamila Staudigl-Ciechowicz, Patrick Monsieur, Jean Bourgeois, Pauline Van der Zee, Dominick Verschelde, Fien Danniau

Round table: A Renewed University Museum in Ghent: a major challenge